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i duno wot this page is

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this page is going to be totally crap, because people say that i havent got enough typing on my site, so i am not going to have any pictures on this page

i really cant be arsed to type anything now, i would much rather be putting pictures on it, but some people have been saying its crap, so i am putting some typing it so that its not crap





i tell you what. how about sarah and julia and mark give me an idea to put into type, to fill the paragraphs, since i have actually made a site, and they havent.

if a good looking girl is looking for a boyfriend, would they please contact me at if any body has a good looking friend, could they contact me too, because my mate is looking for a girlfriend aswell

go to to make a site, and go on to member login. at the bottom there will be two bullet points. the first one will ask you if you have forgotten your password, thats not important, ignore that. the second points will say "if you dont have a site or password, click here to sign up to your own free website. click there.