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my favourite links

my guestbook


this is the part of my site where i tell you my favourite places on the internet. some sites are made by my mates so dont muck those up either or i'll hit whoevers responsible and i mean it


i got this from  http://www.stickdeath.com it takes time to load, so wait it moves

sites i would advise you to visit
adams site no.1

this is my mate adams first site he made. its mint for getting pictures

adams site no.2

this is another of adams sites. its full of cats

max powa

this is the link to max power, home of the street racer


this is the one place for getting mint things like movies and games like retarded animal babies and drag racer v2. respect to the producers of it


this is the link to revs, its another car site, but max powers better

adam,s site NO.3

this is adams third site

jamies site (anotha friend)

Mat Hoffmans website, Maf is da best!!

Mat Hoffmans website

NSF is the best place in newcastle 4 bmx shit

N.S.F (Northeast Street Foundation) its cool 4 bmxin shit, respect


ask jeeves

jeeves is a f**king tosspot. u ask da wanka a question and da stupid tit cums up wiv about 20million answers 2 a simple question. nob.

marky T's site no.2

dis iz marky T's site no.2

porn sites

ha ha ha, i bet u clicked da link didnt u? then.............................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................U SICK PERVERT!!!!! its sad and perverted 2 look at porn. finding joy in lookin at tits? u r bent if u think takin advantage of women like dat is funny. stupid little fat shit, go and shag a purple spotted pomple moose

marky T's site no.1

dis iz marky T, me m8s site, u will find a lot of pics on here from dis site and adams sites