i know that sarah likes animals so i have made a page especially for animals (i am not secretly going out with her and i dont fancy her stupid if thats what your thinking)
if any body finds funnier pictures than i have already got then e-mail me them and leave your name and i will mention your name in the caption underneath
im sure that cat is somewhere!
ooooooooooooooh!!! grumpy!
its fat tony's pet! (watch the simpsons and you'll know what i mean)
its austin powers's cat (watch the austin powers movies and i think you will find that he does a move called the chudo chop that looks a lot like that)
he/she needs to learn some manners!
trained by the mighty warrior in a red and yellow car, noddy
macho-cat. he's nearly as strong as me!!!
bikers these days................
is he using the right bait?
where's the water?
me in cat form!
sum animals will sleep anywere!
a waving cat! you dont see that every day!
now that is a stoned kitty!
killer cat strikes again
a camouflagued cat!
animals are getting smarter.....................
sum people treat animals like rubbish...............
puppy love
best buddies
he/shes scared of the vet!
a cat in a hat..............s/he suits it
freaky cat
a holiday centre for cats!
plump kitten
wet puppy
puppy cart
best mates
the great escape!